When it comes to critical thinking or making critical decisions or arriving at a judgment, your decisions should involve looking at the things with deep clarity. If there's another side (sometimes there isn’t), think about each side together and ask, which of the conflicting views has more evidence behind it?
When it comes to human intelligence, our mind usually having a lot of good and bad thoughts as per our believe system that we've build-ed within the past.
When it comes to thinking and acting fast, we need to find out a way to do it therefore we need to improve our intelligence in order to prove the speed of our thoughts as well. It’ll help our brain get used to thinking and acting faster.
When it comes to be confident motivated all the time, you need to gain confidence you have to take a challenge (anything that seems difficult to you) and you need to beat at it. Generally people get away themselves from anything challenging because they 'just know they'll fail at it.
When it comes to making our life simpler (every damn problem in life has a solution) Get to the root cause of the problem. The cause we often assign to our problem in life are often not the actual cause, which means in our very first attempt while to solving a problem, we mostly fail as we are not addressing the correct cause.