How to become smarter in life? All about Attitude, IQ and Human Intelligence.

How to become smarter in life? All about Attitude, IQ and Human Intelligence.

When it comes to human intelligence, generally most intelligent person find themselves as confusing or may be sometimes others don't match their intelligence level they often find intelligent person, confusing because they don’t get much sense to understand them.

In this article I walk you through about Attitude, IQ and Human Intelligence that makes someone smarter than others, let’s get started It’s all about Human IQ, most of the time even an intelligent person favor to look confused so that he can get mixed up with the crowd easily and get to know others in detail, meaning that the person is actually capable enough to see the positives and negatives of the options, and acknowledging the fact that he is seeking to choose the better option for himself.

Generally when people think about attitude they actually think about his/her Ego. Attitude often explained as a way of behavior, way of conduct, way of interaction with people, ethical moral values. Actually attitude is just a way you deal with your social life. Social interaction is equally important with our other activities in life.

If one of your friends for some reason stopped talking to you or keeps ignoring you, it is your responsibility to ask the reason for it. However if that friend is too arrogant and still ignoring you then it is better to keep your self-respect and let him keep his ego. So always be positive in your life and never stop believing, as whenever you think that things are not going according to you, then things are actually going according to God, and God will always think good for us.

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