How to find direction in life? All about sense of direction and building a legacy to life.
When it comes to finding a sense of direction in life, the challenge isn't about finding the right direction. For me it is seeing the direction we are already heading in life. If you take a moment to look around and think about how you arrived here, you will start to see where you are going. All you really need to do is put one foot in front of the other, and you will arrive at your destination, as simple as that huh :) :)
In this article I walk you through about building a legacy to our life let’s get started, Personally (from personal first hand experience) I have faced stages in my life where I have no clue where I am going, I have had jobs that simply I didn’t like or simply I used to question if my career is the best option for me.
In all instances what I’ve done during those moments is taken a long walk and thinks if I wouldn’t be doing what I am doing right now, where would I be? Is this helping me to accomplish my highest goals and dreams in my life? Am I becoming who I’ve always wanted to become? This introspection and analysis of my present helps me to have a clear vision of what I need to do to move towards reaching my goals and dreams.
Building a legacy to our life is a delusion, whatever it is stays in the present, utilize that today for terrific tomorrow. Make easier stairs to your moon and never find yourself in confusion or in the dark clouds of doubtness.
It is said by the wisest man that when you are in your 20’s, you care about what other people will think about you. When you are in your 40’s , you realize that it doesn’t even matter what others think about you and when you are in your 60’s , you realize that no one was even thinking about you in the first place. So never let the voices of others drain your energy. Instead, wake up every day with dream that one day you are going to get what you desire and work hard so that your day of success can greet you sooner. Best wishes for you :) :)
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