How to train your subconscious mind? All about upgrading your intelligence and master your mindset.
When it comes to critical thinking or making critical decisions or arriving at a judgment, your decisions should involve looking at the things with deep clarity. If there's another side (sometimes there isn’t), think about each side together and ask, which of the conflicting views has more evidence behind it?
In this article I walk you through about upgrading your intelligence and master your mindset let’s get started, It’s all about developing your critical thinking, point of view and looking at situation you may be in. I do know (from personal, firsthand experience) this can be easier said than done, I have been in the kind of situation countless times and my experience suggests that do things that makes you a bit more knowledgeable on a daily basis.
I enjoy doing research, investigation, self development, technology, programming, business, marketing, teaching, motivating, investing, writing, and speaking. Doing new things each and every day is the fuel of improving your intelligence. Getting your brain involved in multiple interests improves your critical thinking because you have a broader range of views and skills. If you are giving easy weights to your life, you won’t grow.
Sometimes I get stuck on a problem that needs massive amounts of critical thinking (which is common in research, investigation, self development, technology, programming, business, marketing, teaching, motivating, investing, writing, and speaking), then I simply walk away I tell my subconscious mind to solve the problem while I take a break or do something else. Sounds crazy right? Often once I come to the problem after a short break, I’ve found that subconscious mind has come up with new solutions in the background. Pretty cool, huh?
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